In the summer of 2005, Team Z began when twenty-three of Coach Ed’s team members from various Team in Training events asked Ed to form a team of his own. Ed had heard the request many times during his involvement leading charity training groups like Team in Training as well as local triathlon clubs. The triathlon community really hadn’t figured out how to service the needs of athletes of all abilities and backgrounds in a sustainable, fun, unintimidating, supportive environment. The world of triathlon still had the reputation of being reserved only for the elite athlete, the super fit, and only for a certain demographic. Ed listened to his team members, decided to break the traditional triathlon mold, and responded to the members’ demand by forming Team Z.
Since then, with his emphasis on inclusion, education, and quality training programs, Ed has grown Team Z from 23 founding members to over 500 athletes. The Team Z staff of three full-time head coaches and dozens of workout leaders and educators provide over 60 COACH-LED GROUP TRAINING events every week throughout DC, Virginia, and Maryland.