February 27, 2017

This weekend’s Poll, Please Vote:  https://members.triteamz.com/polls/

General questions about the week, weekend, triathlon…and any additional curiosities… try emailing the list! The email address is Community@lists.triteamz.com

In this email: THIS EMAIL COVERS BOTH THE WEEK, AND THE WEEKEND (normally they are two separate blog posts/emails)

  1. Important Updates for THIS week (please read!)
  2. Overview and Reminders of M-F workouts for this week
  3.  Saturday Group Run: 9:00-11:00 AM at  Arlington Potomac River Running Store (Ballston)
  4. Post Saturday Run Happy Hour/Lunch at Applebees (next door): 11:00 AM
  5. Sunday Group Ride: 9:00-11:00 AM at  Bell Haven Marina
  6. In addition to this email in your “in box”…three additional ways to access Team Z Activity Details and Directions


1. Important Updates for THIS week (please read!)

  • The group ride for Sunday is now at Bell Haven Marina (not Falls Church HS – we were just there last week).  Still at 9:00 AM.
  • We will not have anymore WEEKDAY spins.  Weekend’s will still have some spins.  For weekday spins – we are on taper now so we will be backing down on volume/intensity.  Then we have a few weeks of transition between the RNR/Shamrock Race Weekends and the start of our spring training.  By that point, we are riding outside (March 12 is daylight savings).


2. Overview and Reminders of M-F workouts for this week



  • Group Swims Only



  • Group Swims Only



3.  The Group Run for Saturday: 9:00 AM at Arlington Potomac River Running Store

  • When.  9:00  – 11:00 AM
  • Where:      Potomac River Running Store (PRR), Ballston
  • AWOL/Workout Leads:  Ed, Hurley’s, Nate, Mary Meyers, Kris
  • NOTE THE DIRECTIONS LINK. I don’t know if street parking is an issue on Sat AM, I would not use the garage in the PRR Building.  You should either use our “secret parking area” (see the map)…or the garage next to Applebees.  Secret parking area is free.  Applebees garage is more convenient.
  • NOTE IF YOU USE THE SECRET PARKING AREA: Study the directions link right now.  You have to go pretty much “around a few blocks” and enter the parking area a way behind the store. Where you park is only a 3 minute walk from the store, but getting where you park is not intuitive.


4.  The Group Ride for Sunday: 9:00 AM at  Bell Haven Marina

  • When:  9-11:00 AM, Sunday
  • Profile: Everyone’s ride should be 2 hours or less this weekend (according to our schedules).  Falls Church Ride offers a 12 mile, 15 mile, and 20 mile cue sheet.  We will support a ride of 20 and 12 (sags, etc).  But please do not head out on the second loop unless you are averaging 16 miles per hour or more.
  • Where:  Bell Haven Marina
  • Awol:  Ed, Brian, Sherri
  • Ride Leader:  Chad, Miro, Dexter
  • Sag Driver:  Lynisa, Maureen, Linda
  • Cue Sheets: Click on Me
  • Print out the Staff list for Sunday’s Ride:  File is called Staff for Feb 27 Bell Haven Only”

This ride is almost 100% inside sweet neighborhood roads.


5.  In addition to this email in your “in box”…three  additional ways to access Team Z Activity Details and Directions

First: Setting your Personal Team Z Home Page to represent Workout Locations and Activities

Second: Finding Information about Team Z Workout Locations or Training Schedules “on the go”.

Third:  An archive of this email is captured on our member only website in the Coach Ed’ Communication Mailing List OR Coach’s Comms Blog Post.