January 22, 2019

Benefits of a Chiropractor For Your Triathlon Training

Triathlon Training

There is no question, training for a triathlon is not only rigorous but can take a toll on your body. While injuries can certainly happen during your training sessions, you may experience injuries you are not even aware of during a triathlon race because of the amount of adrenaline pumping through your body. Before and after your triathlon, you should seek the help of a licensed chiropractor to ensure you treat your body the way it deserves and allow it to perform to the best of its abilities. Still aren’t sure about the health benefits that a chiropractic session can have on your body while training for a triathlon? Read below for more information.

  1. Chiropractors Offer Drug-Free Treatment. For anyone involved in sports of any kind, drug-free is the way you want to go. When a chiropractor treats you, they will heal your body by making various adjustments to your neck, your spine, your hips, and even down to your ankles. Your chiropractor will determine where your point of pain is, what might be causing it, and treat it naturally, in-office, without the use of drugs.
  2. You’ll See a Decrease In Your Pain. Rigorous training means you have likely sustained various types of injuries. Even if these injuries are minor, they can cause dull, achy, and even severe pain. When you visit your chiropractor, they will give you the best form of treatment to begin your healing process.
  3. Chiropractors Provide Their Patients With Holistic Healing. Holistic healing is an approach that many chiropractors use to look at your whole body and how simple, natural changes can impact your healing process. Your chiropractor may ask you about your diet, your specific triathlon training routine, discuss natural herbs or supplements that can help, and even determine a healing plan that works best with your training routine.
  4. Adjustments Can Improve Your Mobility. Your range of motion is incredibly important when it comes to all three aspects of a triathlon: the swimming, biking, and running. Your mobility begins to decrease when your joints and ligaments are tight. Chiropractic adjustments can even relieve serious nerve pressure, allowing your range of motion to expand even farther.
  5. Adjustments Can Help You Avoid Injuries. While there are many reasons you may get an injury through your workouts, chiropractic care can actually help you avoid injuries before they ever happen. Consistent chiropractic care means a professional can help align and adjust your body so it can respond better and quicker to your change-up in routine.
  6. You Can Avoid More Invasive Treatments. Most chiropractors have no problem working with your other doctors, especially when you must decide what form of treatment to get. However, many times you can avoid particularly invasive medical procedures—like surgery—that mean you have a longer recovery time and less time working on your triathlon training.

Many triathletes focus on resting their bodies and recovering from injuries after their races. However, chiropractic treatment can help you be an even better triathlete if you begin this care while you are training for your next race. Don’t hesitate any longer in getting your body in the best shape possible. Contact a chiropractor Wheaton, MD chooses today for more information.



Thank you to our friends and contributors at AmeriWell Clinics for their insight into chiropractic care and the benefits of chiropractic treatment for your triathlon training.