January 18, 2013

Alexis and Cat interview at the Scope it Out

Link to Video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ma0J1bn2lM

Every year our Triathlon Team participates in a race called the Scope it Out 5k in Washington, DC.  As a team, we dress up in red shirts and red beanie caps that say “Catch the Polyp” in huge white billboard letters.  When we run the race – we are “all over the place” with these billboards in bright red shirts and caps – thanks to the diversity of our team.  Yes we are an adult, group triathlon training program – but we still like to play like children (while also giving back to our community)!

This race brings awareness to the fight against Colon Cancer – and its prevention and early detection.  This 5k was started in part by a Team Zr honoring the memory of her father – and we’ve continued proudly continued the tradition year after year!