July 21, 2014

The all hands weekend 7/19-7/20

Posting this after the fact 🙁   so it is documented. What a weekend!!!!


NOTE THAT WE CHANGED THE RUN LOCATION TO A PAVILION AT NEEDWOOD PARK. Miscommunication. Ed, Alexis, and I had a “who’s on first” conversation yesterday that was a result of my typo 6 months ago. We are running from a pavilion in Needwood Park (the opposite end of Rock Creek Park as Pierce Mill). We are not at Carderock. Totally my fault ”“ kick me in the shins next time you see me.

What is the “all hands” weekend?
The all hands weekend is a team Z tradition. It’s the weekend of our peak in our training plans, and the weekend when our Iron folks have to ride 120 miles and run 20. These distances are a true physical and mental challenge and the time when folks going “long” benefit from the spirit and camaraderie of the team the most. So what does team Z do to support these folks? Why we grill of course! What else would Team Z do?! We will be grilling at both the ride and the run to encourage folks to hang out. And hang out you should ”“ there is no better feeling than coming back from a colossal workout to 100 cheering teammates!

Oh, and the forecast right now calls for highs of 82 on both days with no rain and a 100% chance of awesomeness.


Link to tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/20120-weekend-extravaganza-719-and-720-tickets-12318963351

In this e-mail:

1. Most important info of all: Desserts
2. Saturday all hands run and hash! ”“ 7:00 AM / 9:00 AM starts ”“ Needwood Park, Derwood, MD
3. Sunday all hands ride ”“ 7:00 AM / 9:00 AM starts ”“ Nokesville Park, Nokesville, VA

Link to carpooling database:  http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/TeamZ/database?method=reportRows&tbl=189

Link to weekend file: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/TeamZ/files/ALL%20Training%20Documents%20and%20Schedules/Workout%20Locations%20/%20Team%20Z%20Weekends%20-%20All%20Areas%20-%20Combined%20/

1. Most important info of all: Desserts

In the past some of you who will remain nameless (Patty) have shown up to events with tasty desserts. Some of you even showed up with fancy cupcakes (Lee). Well, delicious dessert making people, if there was ever a time that your team needs you it’s right now.

Calling all chefs! We will be grilling all weekend so we have the meals covered. But we’d love your help with dessert. Cookies, brownies, cake, gluten free twig covered loofah cakes, WHATEVER. They will get eaten. Ever have someone put a cupcake in front of you after you ran 20 miles or rode 120 miles? Me neither, I didn’t have Team Z when I was riding 120 miles. But I bet it’s AWESOME.

Just show up either day with your tasty dessert, no need to e-mail me to let me know ahead of time. Thank you!

2. Saturday all hands run ”“ 7:00 AM / 9:00 AM starts ”“ Needwood Park, Derwood, MD


You just aren’t. Remember ”“ the point of this exercise is to find the exact optimal workload that allows you to overload / stress your body but still be able to recover and get stronger as a result. The likelihood of you doing that after 4.5 hours or more of running decreases dramatically. Not to mention the likelihood of injury. It’s about workload and your ability to recover ”“ not miles. So you are NOT cheating yourself by stopping at 4 hours. Plan accordingly so when 4 hours hits you are not 4 miles from HQ.

This is an awesome spot. Definitely underutilized by Team Z ”“ it’s a favorite spot in the DC running community for good reason ”“ it’s beautiful! This will be “HQ” for our run start and grilling hangout.

I’m pretty sure we have the staff to have an aid station out on the course”¦ please e-mail me offline if you are willing to help. Regardless ”“ be self-sufficient! Don’t count on us to provide your nutrition. We will ask you to do shorter out and backs so you can come back to your stuff at base camp and refuel. DO NOT COUNT ON US for your nutrition. Think of our aid stop as an added bonus. We will put a tarp out next to the trail at HQ, that way you can leave a bag with nutrition and not have to go all the way back to your car.

And of course thank your teammates for volunteering their time to man the aid station.

If you are going an hour and a half or more, please come to the 7:00 start. If you are going shorter than 90 minutes, you have your choice of the 7 or the 9:00 start! Either way, get your workout in, and then you can stay for grub and cheer in your teammates going long!

And yes ”“ I know the 90 minute runners will be back before the 9:00 group even starts. My hope is that you all head out to the aid station and cheer for the 20 milers! Or just hang out with us and have a beer. In a red cup of course.


7:00 AM: start for folks going 90 mins or more start (or anyone else who wants to get going early)
9:00 AM: start for folks going shorter that 90 minutes
9:00 AM “ish”: Grill fires up, French fry production begins

What: The Epic 20/120 Weekend Run
Where: Needwood Park, Derwood, MD. Shelter “A”
Leader: Alexis, Ryan
Address: 15700 Needwood Lake Dr., Derwood, MD 20855
Google Map: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=39.114645,-77.1278&spn=0.02191,0.038581&t=h&z=15&msid=200894648877363321859.0004a5d01efd1b88f0920

Directions: From the Capital Beltway (I-495), cross the American Legion Bridge and follow I-270 spurs north. Take Exit 4 to the right onto Montrose Road. Make a left onto Tower Oaks Blvd. Take a right onto Wooten Parkway. At Rockville Pike, Wooten Parkway turns into 1st St/ Norbeck Rd. You will cross over both Rockville Pike and Veirs Mill Rd. After 1.3 miles on Norbeck Rd., turn left onto Avery Rd. After 1.9 miles, turn left onto Needwood Lake Dr. The sign will say” Rock Creek Park- Lake Needwood”. Turn left at the “T” intersection onto Beach Drive. After 0.15 miles, the road becomes one-way and you must turn right onto Needwood Lake Circle. Pass by the lake shore and after 0.3 miles turn right into the 2nd parking lot leading toward the open field. It will have a sign saying “Hiker, Biker Runner Trail” The Rock Creek hiker-biker trail head is located at the end of the parking lot. Shelter A will be on your right.

3. Sunday all hands ride ”“ 7:00 AM / 9:00 AM starts ”“ Nokesville Park, Nokesville, VA

We’d really like folks to hang out. This is a team tradition that in the past has been “over the top”. Last year we had beer can chicken, pulled pork BBQ, ribs, cake, etc. The year before there was drunkenness and some type of spider ”“ monkey ”“ coach hybrid thing all amped up on sprite climbing on the roof of the pavilion. Not to mention Marti’s group riding their bikes like 447 miles as a result of going “slightly” off course. What will this year bring? This year’s menu and “plan” will be determined by the attendance. So get your butt on eventbrite and then get your butt to this ride! Even if you can only make it for a short while, come celebrate our longest training day with a few friends and fries!

Start times are non negotiable. We will have over 100 cyclists scattered all over the countryside and a joint effort of 6 saggers, 3 workout leaders, 3 coaches, and 1 “spotter” tracking them. You need to show up at least 30 minutes prior to your start to prepare and be ready to roll at your designated start time.

RIDE LEADERS: Ride leads will show up for the 9:00 ride and will be on the 13 or 26, depending on interest. We will not have ride leads for the 7:00 start group.

Last year we had people show up late and/or improvise ”“ and it screwed up all of the planning I just described. Please follow this plan exactly. If you check out the ride distance notes and which distances follow which routes in which order you’ll realize how we are maximizing our sag coverage by having routes overlap. Help us be organized and safe by following instructions”¦

Ride Distance options: 13, 26, 33, 42, 50, 66, 125
Ride Distance notes: 125 = 33, 50, 42 in that order please. 66 = 2 x 33. 26 = 2 x 13.
Start times: 66’s and 125’s start at 7:00 AM. 13, 26, 33, 42’s, and 50’s start at 9:00 AM. Non negotiable.
Sags shift 1 (7:00 AM – 12:30 PM ish): Katryna, Frank, Daryl
Sags shift 2 (12:30 ”“ 6:00 PM ish): Misha, Diane, Maureen
Ride leads: Dave N, Donna
Cue sheets: Ryan
Street Address: 12550 Aden Road, Nokesville, VA will get you close. Look on the map.
Directions:   Use the google link to find the most direct route for you.   Below I have suggested a route from I-66.     If you are coming from the Woodbridge area, use google.   From 1-66: Follow I-66 west to Exit 44 (Route 234 bypass). Follow Route 234 south for about 5 miles (go through two traffic lights). Bear right onto Route 28 south. (Last bathrooms are around here). In 5 miles turn left on Fitzwater Drive at light (7-11 on corner). In .9 miles, turn right on Aden Rd at T. In 3.8 miles turn right into Nokesville Community Park. Take first right into parking area.   We will park here at the front of the parking lot.
Google Map:   https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=201361103415599393006.00046c6d29edad5ee7eb6&msa=0