July 3, 2014
Musselman 2014 Team Z Game Plan
Note there will be a separate weekend e-mail for local stuff.
Link to Musselman tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/musselman-2014-tickets-12169245541
Buy NOW, buy accurately, buy strong.
I am REALLY jazzed for next weekend. We have a TON of people competing, lots of people staying up for extra days, it’s going to be a blast. This is a really well run, customer focused event in a beautiful area. Yep, it’s a bit of a drive, but it’s WELL WORTH IT! Where else can you participate in a tricycle / big wheel race, a sprint, a half iron, get a finisher’s medal made from bike parts, and go wine tasting all in the same weekend? If you are considering coming up to spectate please come- and bring the fam and the dog. The park has lots to do for both, trust me, both the fam AND the dog will need a BATH by the end of the day. There are still places to stay, you might just have to do a little digging- a few years back I reserved a spot at Cheerful Valley Campground like three days before.
Below you will find the highlights of our weekend. Also definitely check out the race website, it is VERY detailed.
In this e-mail:
1. Why YOU should enter the Friday night micro mussel
2. Musselman ticket system”¦ PLEASE BUY NOW
3. Volunteers needed at Musselman
4. The plan ”“ Musselman Sprint, Half, Mussel Kids, and Micro Mussel Tricycle Extravaganza
5. The person you need to thank personally while at Musselman
1. Why YOU should enter the Friday night micro mussel
Newbies ”“ you MUST do this. I wish I could require it, like some type of weird fraternity initiation.For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s ridiculous! Everybody gets dressed up in silly costumes (no rules ”“ your choice of theme), then does a triathlon that includes a 100 yard swim (give or take 50 yards), a 6/10 of a mile ride on a tricycle or big wheel, then a 2/10 of a mile run. All while laughing hysterically.
Team Z DOMINATES this each time we go up. We are like 75% of the field. If you don’t do it you’ll feel left out! LETS DO THIS THING! Start shopping now for your ridiculous costume.
Deets: http://www.musselmantri.com/races/micromussel.html
Pics from previous years:
2. Musselman ticket system”¦ PLEASE BUY NOW
Please please please buy tickets now to help us plan. We are providing a lot of services that require lots of planning, grocery shopping, packing trailers strategically, etc. Having inaccurate numbers definitely makes things hard. We are starting early this time (shopping has already started), so please don’t wait until before you leave to vote. Between Colonial Beach and Mussel we have a lot to do with a quick turnaround so ”“ HELP US PLAN BY BUYING TICKETS NOW.
We will be cooking fajitas on Friday night, ordering dinner from an Italian joint on Saturday night (served under the tent), and going out to the Crow’s Nest on Sunday night. So”¦ as far as dinners go”¦ Friday and Saturday night dinners you pay for via the ticket system, Sunday has a ticket to “buy” but it’s free, just so we can get a sense of numbers to give to the crows nest.
The ticket systems acts like a poll ”“ so even if you are racing but not eating with us (weirdo) please log in and vote! There are free tickets which allow you to place a vote just so we get a head count for racers and spectators.
3. Volunteers needed this weekend at Musselman
We need help with the following tasks, but in general it’s a great help if you just come find us and offer to help. There is ALWAYS something to do.
(after all times please include the term “ish”)
Friday Team Z village setup ”“ 12 PM “ish”
Friday night dinner clean up ”“ 8:30 PM
Saturday breakfast clean up ”“ 9:00 AM
Saturday lunch clean up ”“ 2:00 PM
Saturday dinner prep ”“ 4:00 PM
Saturday dinner clean up ”“ 7:30 PM
Sunday breakfast prep ”“ 5:00 AM
Sunday breakfast clean up ”“ 8:00 AM
Sunday lunch clean up ”“ 4:00 PM, whenever people are done.
Sunday Team Z village tear down and closing ceremony ”“ 5pm, or whenever people are done
4. This weekend’s plan ”“ Musselman Sprint, Half, Mussel Kids, and Micro Mussel Tricycle Extravaganza
Location: Seneca Lake State Park, Geneva, NY
Address for Park/Race Site: 1 Lake Front Drive, Geneva, NY
Google Map for Park/Race Site: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=seneca+lake+state+park&hl=en&ll=42.873023,-76.946225&spn=0.007045,0.02105&radius=15000&t=h&z=16
Packet P/U Times: Friday 5:00 – 5:30 PM for MicroMussel fun race, Friday 5:30 PM ”“ 7:30 for Mini Mussel (Sprint), Saturday 6:30-8:30 AM for Mini Mussel (Sprint) only, Saturday 10:00 AM ”“ 4:00 PM for Musselman Half and Aqua Bike. There is no Sunday morning packet pickup listed for the half
Packet P/U Address: The Sport and Rec Center, Hobart and William Smith, 283 Hamilton St, Geneva, NY (note the kids race registration is at Pavilion #2 at the race site, not at HWS)
Pre Race Meeting (not Z meeting, the race meeting): Note that the website lists this as REQUIRED for those doing the half. Two meetings, must attend one. One is Saturday at 1:30 PM and the other is Saturday at 4:30 PM. Both meetings are at the Smith Opera House. The Opera House address is 82 Seneca Street, Geneva, NY.
Start Times: Musselfast! Mussel Kids Kids race (with Z participants!) ”“ Friday, 6:00 PM. MicroMussel fun race ”“ Friday, 7:00 PM. Mini Mussel Sprint distance race ”“ Saturday, 9:00 AM. Musselman Half and AquaBike ”“ Sunday, 7:00 AM
Weather: Too early to tell. Keep checking and plan for the unexpected.
Weather Link to Check: http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=42.86895634400048&lon=-76.97773868099966&site=all&smap=1#.U7WaRlzamf0
Water Temp: Typically high 60’s / low 70’s. Keep checking next week. It’s a big lake that stays pretty cool.
Friday night: fajitas! (steak, chicken, or veggie) and salad
Sat/Sun breakfasts: fruit, bagels, pancakes
Sat/Sun lunch: grilled chicken, burgers, dogs, chorizo sausage, french fries
Sat dinner: pasta with meat and veggie options for sauces, Italian bread, salad. Most likely ordered, we will see based on numbers and what options I can find in the area.
Drinks: coffee in the mornings only, water, diet coke, regular coke, beer
Dessert: homemade treats are highly encouraged! C’mon all you cooks out there, don’t be shy. Paging Patty Glass!
Team Z Itinerary for the Weekend
4:00 AM ”“ Coaches’ Caravan
12:00 ish – Team Z Village Construction (Call if you are in town and able to help ”“ Ryan ”“ 703-597-2447. We’d love a few extra hands).
4:30-6 PM ”“ Mussel Kids Registration (at Lakefront Park, note not at Hobart William Smith)
5-5:30 PM – Packet Pickup for Micro Mussel Fun Race
5:30-7 PM – Registration for Mini Mussel Sprint
5:30 PM – Pre race transition walk through with Ryan for new/nervous Z’s (aka future Mussel all stars)
6:00 PM ”“ Mussel Kids Races Start
7:00 PM – Micro Mussel Tricycle Division World Championship Race
7:30 PM – Dinner is served
6:30”“8:30 – Mini Mussel Sprint Packet Pickup
7:30 AM – Breakfast is Served
9:00 AM – Micro Mussel Sprint Race Starts
10-4:00 PM – Packet Pickup, Half and Aqua Bike
10:30 AM – Lunch is served (whenever people start finishing the race)
1:30 & 4:30 PM – Mandatory race meeting for half participants ”“ attend one! At the Smith Opera House
5:30 PM – Pre race transition walk through with Ryan
6:30 PM – Dinner is served
5:30 AM – Breakfast is served
7:00 AM – Musselman Half Race Starts
11:30 AM – Lunch is served (whenever people start finishing the race or spectators get unruly)
5:00 PM – Team Z Village Tear Down (whenever people stop hanging out). Help appreciated.
5:00 PM and on on on – Dinner and drinks”¦ The Crows Nest, 415 Boodys Hill Road, Waterloo, NY
5. The person you need to thank personally while at Musselman
Is Fred. Fred’s originally from Ghana, so he’s still a little salty towards Americans after the world cup. But get this ”“ he’s taking a bus to my house from Richmond, then driving 6+ hours with me to Musselman to work his tail off all weekend so you can eat burgers. We pay him ”“ but we can’t afford to pay him well. Regardless ”“ it’s a job that deserves your appreciation. Introduce yourself, ask him about his future career as a doctor, see if he needs anything, and then THANK HIM.