February 9, 2017
RNR Volunteer Opportunity (and registration link)
Crickets? Off to a fast start and then the brake lights are on!
*Don’t forget you can bring your friend, family, enemies to this social. They can run or not run ”“ hang out and help or sit on the ground and do nothing! Everyone is welcome ”“ this is a fundraiser.
I’ve spoken with three people in the last 2 hours that are coming ”“ but have not yet registered. I’m sure there are more. I am going to go shopping tonight after spin. I’ll start cooking tonight and finish early tomorrow. If you don’t make the cut for affecting how much I buy, I still appreciate knowing if I’m going to be short before I get there. There is always time to dance!
Register here: Click on me
Gracias! I’d also like to ask for a few volunteers. Please email COACHED@TRITEAMZ.COM if you, or a family member/friend you are bringing would be able to lend a hand.
- Load in is at 6:45. If 5 people help, life is easy. Please come early if you can.
- First runners start at 7:30.
- Aid Station is closed at 10:15
- All runners are finished no later than 11:30.
- I would prefer everyone is in by 11.
- Raffle is at 11.
- If you need to start earlier to finish on time, let’s do it ”“ email me.
- We are packing up/heading out by noon (rental agreement)
The volunteer shifts will run (generally) from:
- 7ish until 9:30ish, and then
- 9:30ish until 11:30/12:00.
- The aid station will be 7:30 ”“ 9:00 and 9:00-10:30 (I will give you a propane heater to keep yourself snazzy warm).
The Volunteer opportunities (indicate early, late, or both shifts please):
- Set up manage Team Z Store (easy as pie, already organized just need help getting it there and put out)
- Set up manage the buffet/food/etc
- Manage timing/door buzzer
- Aid Station
- Load Out (everyone, please!)