March 16, 2017
Team Z General Announcement Email – March 16 2017
In this email:
- Kinetic Triathlon (Half and International are close to full). Get in while you can!
- Introduction to Team Z Relays/Relay Coordinator – How do you join a Team Z Relay for any race? Kinetic included!
- Reminder: April is the very best time to join our team. Friends/Family – Info Sessions. Here are our kickoff session dates and times.
- Coach Ed off the radar (until March 26). Leaving from Shamrock to head south for a few days with the lady and the dogs.
- Team Z Race Gear Update – you can still get our race gear if you did not pre-order. This link for Team Z Race Gear update for March 2017. This link to a more detailed description of our store/gear.
- How to get L4 Masters Swimming Gear. Click on me.
- Are you racing the Chesapeake Bay Swim? If so, please email AND (Mark Edmunds)
- Claude Moore Recreation Center – return of swim practice update – Confirming Claude Moore swim workout start date is Tuesday, April 4. Instructions to come re: registering.
- Join Team Z at the 2018 Disney 5k, 10k, 13.1, 26.2 (and combinations thereof). Here is how to get involved with the Team Z contingent heading to Disney next winter (so much fun, get on it – the races can fill fast)
- Annual April Fee is near (April 1): Reminder that the annual April $159 is a few weeks away. Let me know if you have any questions.