July 18, 2014
Team Z Triathlon Program – 2nd half of the season race and training planning/selection guide
*Yes, its alot to read. I typed it! Please please take the time to read this. Print it out, take notes – it is not complicated though I know there is a ton of info in here.
**If I had a dollar for the number of times our teammates ask me what a discount code is, when the recovery weeks are, or when the key training weekends are – I’d have some money in the bank. IT IS ALL IN HERE – PLEASE READ THIS! MARK THESE DATES IN YOUR CALENDAR!
***I will post this to our Team Planning Blog on the website www.triteamz.com (except I won’t publish the discount codes outside of this email). If you lose this email – please start to remember where you can find this information. I know you will reference it several times this season.
This is the “2nd half” 2013/14 Race Calendar Discussion and Training Program Selection Email (and that is a mouthful).
A. There is absolutely NO way you can expect to participate at all of these races – Our goal is to provide as many opportunities for people to choose from as possible. But the second half of the season is way more straight forward than the first half – and there are less conflicts/competing races so we should be set up for some awesome, awesome turnouts at our races.
B. Also – just b/c this is our race calendar it does not mean you can’t do other races . All our race calendar “means” is that we will be an effort behind an organized social type event (likely with trailer, tents, etc if possible/allowed). I’m sure there will be plenty of Zrs racing events – but we just can’t be everywhere all the time with the tents and trailer and many venues make it extremely difficult (or impossible) to provide the trailer race (e.g., The Pentagon, National Park Service, etc). I encourage you to consider your options now! Make your plan – and stick to it!
C. ALL of our training event and race weekend events are listed in the race calendar on the WEBSITE (not the yahoo group). If you go to the race calendar and click on the event name – it is hyperlinked to the registration pages where you can find more information about the event. Here is a link (let me know if they are broken, not all yet available)….
Link to Race Calendar (with hyper links to each race website that is available): https://triteamz.com/calendar/
D. Reminder – what will I do (what will the team do) if I do not go to a particular race weekend event? In most cases we will have local workout options. These will in many cases be “brick workouts” or “race simulations” where you will ride and run a prescribed distance that is in line with your training programs. Again – there is NO way we expect you to be able to participate in all of these races! It just won’t happen! So pick the one’s that interest you the most. IF you don’t go – expect us to have a brick workout at home (example: 2 hour ride, 1 hour run).
E. Reminder about Relays: As we approach the second half of the race season you will begin to see (starting next week likely) notes from Coach Alexis over the yahoo groups organizing relays. Our team puts together a TON of relays every year, for any race that allows them. The relays are great for many reasons. Obviously if you are new to the sport and want to build confidence in one leg or another before you attempt a “full” tri on your own – this is a great way to get involved by volunteering to do the leg (or legs – you can do two) that you are comfortable with. It is also a great way for people that are injured to be able to compete and have fun (example – can’t run, but can ride or swim).
Lastly (and importantly) – many of our event weekends are very cheap and take place over two days. Some people will do both races on both days – but other people may find those people crazy. Doing a relay for fun on one day and racing the other is probably the biggest reason our relays are put together. Are you an ex swimmer? Maybe do the Oly on Saturday by yourself and volunteer to do the swim for a new Zr on Sunday at the sprint. You get the point. When we send an email asking about relays – just respond if interested.
In planning for the year – Consider which events you would like to do a relay at when thinking about your race plan for the summer.
In this email:
- Choosing your training plan for the second half of the 2014 season (everyone starts with a new plan this week)
- Reminder of Key Weekend/Training Dates/Recovery Weeks/etc
- Reminder of Team Discount Codes for Races
- Race Calendar “Discussion” – or some additional info about the events we have on our race calendar (Luray Practice Swim, Age Group Nationals, Luray Sprint and International, South Riding Pool Spring, Nations Tri, Savageman, Waterman’s, Army 10 miler, Cozumel)
- Race Calendar “Overview” – a little bit of chatter/discussion by program. It might help you to pick/prioritize race selectionS
- Choosing your training plan for the second half of the 2014 season (everyone starts with a new plan this week)
IF your goal is to race sprint and international distance triathlons at the end of the season (The “Under 70.3 Program”): Your Goal A race for the end of the season (LAST RACE) should be the Waterman’s Sprint (flat). Along with that, race choices for 2nd half include Luray Sprint or International, Nations Tri, South Riding Pool Sprint, Savageman International. You can do none – or all of them! Up to you! Don’t forget relays…
- Very important! If you can’t currently run 2-3 miles, or bike for 1 hr. at an EASY pace – Please speak with your coach after the kickoff session so we can tailor a plan for you.
- I can currently run/walk 2-3 or more miles and/or bike 10-20 or so miles at an easy pace. I have never done speed work before, and I would not have classified myself as a competitive athlete thus far in my life. My goal is to finish, and have fun. FOLLOW (U)under 70.3 TRACK 1
- I can currently run 4-5 or more miles and/or bike 20-30 miles without being very sore the next day. I have never done speed work before, but I believe that 2-3 miles of speed work on the track is challenging, but doable (think 5k race pace, broken up). My goal is to finish, and have fun. FOLLOW (U)under 70.3 TRACK 2
- I can currently run 7-8 or more miles and/or bike 50 or more miles without being sore the next day. I have been consistently using Vo2 Max and other science based tools to measure my performance and training for several years. If you have been slacking – at all – please follow track 2 and jump back on 3 next spring (or this winter). I believe that 5 or more miles of speed work on the track each week is challenging, but doable (think 5k race pace, broken up). My goal is to finish, and have fun”¦but to push myself as hard as I can. FOLLOW (U)under 70.3 TRACK 3.
IF your goal is to race 1/2 Ironman at the end of the season (the “70.3 Program”) your A race for the end of the summer will be the Waterman’s Half (flat). Along with that, race choices for 2nd half include Luray Sprint or International, Nations Tri, South Pool Sprint, Savageman International/Half (Half is very, very, very had talk to Ed if interested and not sure). You can do none – or all of them! Up to you! Don’t forget relays – especially for Savageman 1/2 (very popular on our team to do relays for the super hard 1/2).
- Very important! If you can’t currently run 7 miles, and bike for 40 or more miles WITHOUT BEING SORE the next day…. Please speak with your coach after the kickoff session and consider following and under 70.3 program through the fall.
- I can currently run 7 or more miles and/or bike 40 miles without being terribly sore the next day. I have never done speed work before, and I would not have classified myself as a competitive athlete thus far in my life. My goal is to finish, and have fun. FOLLOW 70.3 TRACK 1
- I can currently run 7-8 or more miles and/or bike 40 or more miles without being sore at all the next day. I have never done speed work before, and I would not have classified myself as a competitive athlete thus far in my life. My goal is to finish, and have fun. FOLLOW 70.3 TRACK 2
- I can currently run 12 or more miles and/or bike 60-70 or more miles without being sore the next day. I have been consistently using Vo2 Max and other science based tools to measure my performance and training for several years. If you have been slacking – at all – please follow track 2 and jump back on 3 next spring (or this winter). I believe that 5 or more miles of speed work on the track is challenging, but doable (think 5k race pace, broken up). My goal is to finish, and have fun”¦but to push myself as hard as I can. FOLLOW 70.3 TRACK 3
IF your goal is to race Ironman Cozumel (the “140.6 Program”): Your A race is Cozumel. Your last prep race is the Waterman’s 1/2 in October (please please enter this – so critical and helpful). You have Luray and Nations Tri races that you can race too – those are both on recovery weeks so you do not miss any training. Savageman weekend you have a 3hr ride 1.5 hr run for a workout. So, racing at Savageman would be an excellent substitute. South Riding Pool Sprint is not a good idea for you. You have an 80 mile ride that day.
- Very important! If you can’t currently run 9 miles, and bike for 50 or more miles…. Please speak with Coach Ed.
- I can currently run 9 or more miles and/or bike 50 miles without being terribly sore the next day. I have never done speed work before, and I would not have classified myself as a competitive athlete thus far in my life. My goal is to finish, and have fun. FOLLOW 140.6 TRACK 1
- I can currently run 9 or more miles and/or bike 50 or more miles without being sore at all the next day. I have either done speed work before, or I would classify myself as having been a competitive athlete thus far in my life. I believe that 5 or more miles of speed work on the track every week is challenging, but doable (think 5k race pace, broken up). My goal is to finish, and have fun”¦but to push myself as hard as I can. FOLLOW 140.6 TRACK 2
- I can currently run 10 or more miles and/or bike 70 or more miles without being sore the next day. I have been consistently using Vo2 Max and other science based tools to measure my performance and training for several years. If you have been slacking at all in the last six months – follow track 2. I believe that 5-6 or more miles of speed work every week on the track is challenging, but doable (think 5k race pace, broken up). My goal is to finish, and have fun”¦but to push myself as hard as I can. FOLLOW 140.6 TRACK 3
B. Reminder of Key Weekend/Training Dates/Recovery Weeks/etc
Disclamor: THIS IS A PLAN AND PLANS CAN CHANGE! We try not to -but it can happen.
A. Recovery Weeks through Summer 2014. Each of these dates are a MONDAY which is the first day of the recovery week. There are obviously more “down weeks” including race weeks, taper weeks, transition – these are simply the recovery weeks for the year. This is useful information in planning work travel, vacation, special weeks for the significant other who sacrifices so much for you and your participation in the sport. Set these aside to do good things with them!
- These dates are Monday’s in 2014 that begin a recovery week: July 21, Aug 11, Sep 1 and 22.
- Cozumel Recovery week dates beyond Sept: Oct 13, Nov 3
B. Key Long Ride and Run Weekends: These “key” weekends are key for all racers – meaning they are big ride or run days for everyone regardless of if you are on the under 70.3 track, the 70.3 track, or 140.6. Keep in mind – these are planned weekends and the actual day may not be representative. Look to the weekend file for current plan (Team Z Yahoo Group, Files Section – Weekends for 2013/2014 file). We have planned out the entire year – and this is a plan. IT CAN CHANGE:
Below I will call out the long ride number for the Iron crew – as you see this volume increase just know that if you were a half person you are increasing too, same with Oly. So these are key training weekends for everyone – not just Iron people. For Iron crew -the mileage may vary slightly depending on the program you are following.
- Long Ride Key Weekends Through Ironman Cozumel: Aug 9/10 – 70 miles, Aug 23/24 – 80 miles, Aug 29/30 – 90 miles, (For Waterman’s People – taper starts around here so these remaining long rides do not apply to you), Sep 20/21 – 100 miles, Oct 11/12 – 110 miles. Oct 25/26 – 120 miles.
- Long Run Key Weekends Through Ironman Cozumel: Aug 9/10 – 12 miles, Aug 23/24 – 13 miles, Aug 29/30 – 14 miles, (For Waterman’s People – taper starts around here so these remaining long rides do not apply to you), Sep 20/21 – 16 miles, Oct 11/12 – 18 miles. Oct 25/26 – 20 miles.
C. Reminder of Team Discount Codes for Races
Discounts for Races, Rudy Project Gear, and Tri Bike Transport have been redacted for public post. Please email coached@triteamz.com
D. Race Calendar “Discussion” – or some additional info about the events we have on our race calendar (Luray Practice Swim, Age Group Nationals, Luray Sprint and International, South Riding Pool Spring, Nations Tri, Savageman, Waterman’s, Army 10 miler, Cozumel)
Saturday Aug 9- Luray Practice Swim There is a practice swim in the Lake where the race is being held the next weekend. The practice swim is on Saturday. They also offer a “full clinic” or just the “swim clinic”. Please enter just the swim clinic. Saturday morning we will swim, then run on the Luray Triathlon course, then lunch as a team and lazy around the lake and campground all day long. FUN PRACTICE WEEKEND and chance to preview the Luray triathlon course.
Saturday/Sunday Aug 9/10 – Age Group Nationals. Last year we sent about 20 Zrs to Nationals in Milwaukee, Wi. You must qualify for the International Distance race which takes place on Saturday. The Sprint Distance Race which is held on Sunday is open to anyone who would like to enter. We will send a trailer to the event and pop up our team presence again. Last year, we had the CEO of USA Triathlon come by and spend some time with us as we cheered. All accounts were that this is an incredible venue, and an incredible city, and an incredible weekend. We’d love to see 40-50 Zrs go this year (or next?). Try to qualify at Rock Hall this season (special qualifier), and even if you miss qualification consider coming to race the sprint on Sunday. They (USA Triathlon) do this event up right – it is a bigger deal and vibe. Awesome time.
Saturday/Sunday Aug 16/17 Luray International and Sprint and camping trip – SPRINT IS THE SAME Weekend as Ironman Mont Tremblant – You have to choose. There will be NO group workouts this weekend other than Luray. All I can say is that for some reason – this race is always just off the hook. So much fun. We have the chance to camp for free, again – or its an easy drive from the city on the day of. Please enter this ASAP as it will fill, and I know you’ll want to do it. Everybody is doing it. 🙂
Sunday Aug 17 – Ironman Mont Tremblant – Anyone is welcome to come, even if you are not racing. Make a long weekend/vacation out of it! It will be our first season here as a team, and we are looking forward to what is supposed to be a beautiful Ironman (even nicer than Lake Placid?). This is the same weekend as Luray – so those of you wanting to go to Canada would not enter obviously!
Sunday Aug 24 – South Riding Pool Sprint – Registration typically opens April 1 for non-south riding residents, but keep your eye out. It will fill fast so put it on your calendar. This race is in Loudoun County – you’ll be home by noon! Pool sprint, fast course – and fun. Several Zrs have done it in the past and had a blast. IF you do not do this race we will have our standard workouts for the weekend. This is a great race for anyone who has a hard time “Getting away”. It is flat, and fast. It is small and non-threatening – and the swim is in the pool so it is awesome for newer triathletes to gain experience. We will support it just like any other race!
Sunday Sept 7 – Nations Triathlon – As with every year for this race – it is an unsupported team event. The National Park Service and local police are very much against “the world’s biggest tailgate” happening on the National Mall and/or Pennsylvania Avenue. But every year you will see a good mix of Zrs racing. But be clear – there is no team support for this event so you will be on your own race day. It is not cheap to enter, but with no associated travel costs it is a great option, especially for people for whom getting out of town for a weekend is difficult.
Saturday/Sunday Sep 13/14 – Savageman Olympic and Half – This is another of our DO NOT MISS EVENTS. I would encourage everyone to try and make it to this race at least just to have fun. Plan on a relay for the oly at least, and volunteer/spectate for the 1/2. For those of you racing this…the 1/2 Iron is one of the most difficult races in the world and it is not for beginners. Please heed this warning. The Olympic distance is challenging – but a very realistic accomplishment for most people on our team. Be aware this is still a challenging course for the olympic – but its a great goal to work towards. We should have a ton of relays for the oly and the half. And even if you do not want to race – it is so worth the trip. Normally watching a triathlon is not very much fun. The half Iron at this race is something to see, no…behold. It has a tour de france feel and energy – and some of the “hills” these riders climb will be lined with 100’s and 100’s of spectators screaming and yelling at them to not fall over. The general feel of the event is that of a carnival – and it was voted hardest half Ironman by triathlete magazine. DO NOT MISS IT! Ironman Cozumel people – you have a long brick workout this weekend, 3 hr ride and 1 hour run. Do it at the race, or at home – your call!
Saturday/Sunday October 4/5 – Waterman’s Sprint and Half (maybe Olympic) – This will be our season ender – the blow out party. This is the same venue as Rock Hall (NEW, used to be at General Smallwood State Park) and it is very close to home and easily driveable “day of”. This is a great first time 1/2 option for newbies as it is flat. Ironman Cozumel people – this is your training race for CZM. Flat and fast – you should be doing the 1/2 Iron at this event. Plan on camping and staying for relays…this should be a great way to end the season. Under 70.3 folks – this course is FAST!
Sunday Oct 19 – Army 10 miler. Army 10 miler is another unsupported Team Race. Again, security is the main obstacle for us so we just avoid the risk of getting in trouble. Obviously it is local – so a great way to get in a good workout. Great Cause, great environment, great race! We will hit a local bar for brunch afterwards…come out and support our Military and take a great tour of the city!
Sunday November 30 – Ironman Cozumel. Whoop ass! Again – you don’t have to be doing Ironman Cozumel to come down and party with the crew. We have almost 40 people racing and it is a cheap cheap cheap Ironman destination. As always, Ironman is off the hook! But I’m telling you – I’ve been to dozens and dozens of Ironman events as a coach/spectator. THIS one is my absolute favorite. The entire team and family/friends are staying at the same resort and we have a discounted rate. So much fun this race – so much fun. Would love to have you come (racing, or otherwise) and join us!
E. Race Calendar “Overview” – a little bit of chatter/discussion by program. It might help you to pick/prioritize race selectionS
The first step in planning your year is to determine what your focus races will be (otherwise referred to as “A” Races). The team voted on which races we would focus on as “A events”. In an ideal world, you will align your individual A race focus with those of the team. This is not required – but is sure does make life simple b/c your training plans will be dialed in exactly for those events. Also – it is simply a hell of a lot more fun to race at events with the team than a stand-alone event. If you’ve not been to one of our team races, you will see why this coming season!
A. Under 70.3 program Overview for 2013/14: If your goal is to train for Sprint and International Distance Races for the remainder of this summer…
Summer, Second Half A Races: Waterman’s Sprint is the team’s selection as an A race for the end of the season. Waterman’s has been moved to a new location this year, and moved up one week. This will keep it warm out, and on a course people love (no weeds on the swim).
Summer, Second Half Comments: All Races are in play for you except for Savageman 1/2 and Ironman MTB. The second half of the season is much quieter (and slightly shorter). I would suggest that you race either Luray International or Sprint, and Nations Tri or Savageman International. Yes you can do both Savageman and Nations Tri – but you should at least do one or the other. Since there is a shortage of sprint opportunities before Waterman’s – newer triathletes should target doing relays at one of the International distance events if you do not have confidence in the longer distance yet. The Pool Sprint at South Riding is a huge opportunity for our newer athletes to gain experience before the end of the season A races. This would give you 3-4 events for July-Oct.
B. 70.3 program Overview for 2013/14 – if your goal is to race a Half Ironman Distance race at the end of this summer
Summer, Second Half A Races: Waterman’s Sprint is the team’s selection as an A race for the end of the season. Waterman’s has been moved to a new location this year, and moved up one week. This will keep it warm out, and on a course people love (no weeds on the swim).
Summer, Second Half Comments: All Races are in play for you except for Ironman MTB. The second half of the season is much quieter (and slightly shorter). I would suggest that you race either Luray International or Sprint, and Nations Tri or Savageman International or Half. Yes you can do both Savageman and Nations Tri – but you should at least do one or the other. Since there is a shortage of Half Iron opportunities before Waterman’s – newer triathletes at the Half Iron should target doing the International distance events if you do not have confidence in the longer distance yet – Savageman Half is brutal and only for the most experienced and crazy among us. This would give you 3-4 events for July-Oct.
C. Ironman (Or Winter Marathon people) Overview for 2013/14
Summer, Second Half A Races: Ironman Cozumel
Summer, Second Half Comments: All Races are in play for you except for Ironman MTB. You will likely have just raced Mussleman – or at least finished the 70.3 program during the first half of the summer. I would suggest that you race either Luray International or Sprint, and Nations Tri or Savageman International or Half. Yes you can do both Savageman and Nations Tri – but you should at least do one or the other. You are DEFINITELY racing Waterman’s Half as a prep race for Ironman Cozumel. This would give you 3-4 events for July-Nov.