April 7, 2015
The Week of April 6, 2015
If you’re new to Team Z and your head is spinning, this message is especially for you. REPEAT AFTER ME:
“Although I am new and there is much to learn, I have just joined the most welcoming and best group training program around. I have mentors, group leaders and coaches who will patiently answer my questions and won’t make me feel like a moron. I have joined a team that only cares about helping me achieve my goals and getting to know me not only as an athlete but as a person. I have joined a team that recognizes that I have limitations and is willing to help me work around and overcome them. All that Team Z asks is that I SHOW UP TO THE WORKOUTS THAT I CAN REALISTICALLY ATTEND. I don’t even have to know what the workout is because they’ll have the training plans for me at the workout and tell me what I need to do. How awesome is that? I have joined a team that is passionate about taking the intimidation out of triathlons. All I have to do is SHOW UP! If I can’t make a workout, then I can do it on my own. If I am swamped with work and family responsibilities and miss a workout, I don’t need to stress. Team Z says it’s okay and to move on to the next workout. Very cool! Will it be hard in the beginning to adjust my schedule to try to make the workouts? Maybe. Will there be days that I am tired? For sure. Will it all be worth it? ABSOLUTELY!! It may take me a while, but I’m going to get into awesome shape Team Z/Zone 2 style! I’m also going to meet lots of Zers and make lots of friends. And when I ”˜m ready to do my first team race, people will cheer for me and I will do the same for them because I’m a member of Team Z. They will know who I am because I did my profile on the member’s only website and I showed up at some workouts and happy hours. Team Z will celebrate my achievement regardless of whether I podium or finish dead last. And after my race, I ”˜m going to have a burger in one hand and a beer in the other, and I’m going to like it!!
The journey to a fitter and maybe even a happier person begins today. And it will be FUN!”
Get it? Got It? Good! Thanks for joining Team Z. Let the journey begin!
Important Announcements and Reminders for this week
Overview of events and activities for this week
Look ahead for the Weekend Events
Important Announcements and Reminders for this week
- Be on the lookout for an update on the Team Z relay teams for this year’s team races. This is a perfect opportunity for many of you new Zers to acclimate yourselves to the Team Z race weekend craziness.
- A reminder that all group workout location and training files are now exclusively on the Team Z ”˜Member’s only’ website. For now, we will still use the yahoo groups for communication and polls.
- DISNEY WEEKEND 2016!!- That’s right folks. The Disney World Races are a Team event for 2016. Registration opens on Tuesday, April 28!!! We need to do some serious planning and prep in order to make this weekend ZMagical! We have an email plus a poll coming out sometime Monday.
- HELP ME PLEASSSSSE! The Cherry Blossom Expo is this Friday from 3-8:00 PM and Saturday from 9-5:00 PM. If you like flirting with hot men and woman and convincing them to join Team Z, then working an Expo is perfect for you. But seriously folks, I could use a hand with spreading the Team Z message and helping our team continue to grow. I will send out details on the shifts that are available. If you have a few hours to spare, please consider helping us out.
- There are some new workouts in the DC/MD area particularly Georgetown in DC and Gaithersburg, MD that will slowly be phased in over the next several weeks. We will have a Monday evening run and a Tuesday flat ride in Gaithersburg for this week. We will continue to add workouts until we have a full complement of group workouts in Gaithersburg.
Link to pool schedule via the Lane 4 Masters page: here
Overview of events and activities for this week
Monday Swims Practices (Require “all swim pass”): Chinquapin Rec (Alexandria) @ 6-7:30 AM, Audrey Moore Rec (Annandale) @ 6:30-7:30 AM, Wakefield HS Pool (Arlington) @ 12:30-1:30 PM
Monday Boot Camps: Lyon Village Community Center (Clarendon) @ 6-7:00 AM, UFC Gym-Herndon, VA @ 7-8:00 PM. Woodside Park (Silver Spring, MD) @7-8:00 PM
Monday Group Runs: UFC Herndon @ 6:00 PM, Woodside Park (Silver Spring) @ 6:00 PM, PRR (Arlington) @ 6:30 PM, Washingtonian Center-RIO (Gaithersburg, MD)@6:30-7:30 PM)
Tuesday AM Swims: Spring Hill Rec Center (Tysons/Great Falls) @ 5:15-6:15 AM, Providence Rec (Falls Church) @5:30-6:30 AM, University of DC ”“ Vannes (DC) @ 6:00-7:00 AM, Chinquapin Rec (Alexandria) at 6-7:30 AM, Audrey Moore Rec Center (Annandale) 6:30-7:30 AM.
Tuesday Lunch and PM Swims: Chinquapin Rec Center (Alexandria) 12:30-1:30 PM, American University (DC) 7:45-9:00 PM, Audrey Moore Rec (Annandale) 8-9:00 PM, Claude Moore Rec (8-9:00 PM), Stone Ridge School (Bethesda) 8-9:30 PM
Tuesday Group Flat Rides: Hain’s Point (DC), The Stew Ride-Steuart Elementary(Ashburn, VA), Beach Drive(Kensington, MD), Quince Orchard High School(Gaithersburg, MD) ALL @ 6:30 -7:30 PM
Wednesday Swim Practices (Require “all swim pass”): Chinquapin Rec (Alexandria) @ 6-7:30 AM, Audrey Moore Rec (Annandale) @ 6:30-7:30 AM, Wakefield HS Pool (Arlington) @ 12:30-1:30 PM
Wednesday AM Track Practices: W&L High School (Arlington) or Coolidge High School (DC) @ 6-7:00 AM
Wednesday PM Track Practices: Westfield High School(Chantilly, VA)@ 6-7:00 PM, Yorktown High School (Arlington), TC Williams High School(Alexandria), and Bethesda Chevy Chase High School (Bethesda) all @6:30-7:30 PM
Wednesday Boot Camps: Westfield High School (Chantilly, VA)@7-8:00 PM, Yorktown High School (Arlington), Bethesda Chevy Chase High School (Bethesda) and TC Williams in Alexandria, VA all 7:30-8:30 PM.
Thursday AM Swims: Spring Hill Rec Center (Tysons/Great Falls) @ 5:15-6:15 AM, Providence Rec (Falls Church) @5:30-6:30 AM, University of DC ”“ Van Ness (DC) @ 6-7:00 AM, Chinquapin Rec (Alexandria) at 6-7:30 AM, Audrey Moore Rec Center (Annandale) 6:30-7:30 AM.
Thursday Lunch and PM Swims: Chinquapin Rec Center (Alexandria) 12:30-1:30 PM, American University (DC) 7:45-9:00 PM, Audrey Moore Rec (Annandale) 8-9:00 PM, Claude Moore Rec (8-9:00 PM), Stone Ridge School (Bethesda) 8-9:30 PM
Thursday Group Hilly Rides: The Bike Lane(Reston, VA) @6-7:00 PM, Sleepy Hollow Elementary(Arlington, VA), W&L High School-Lower Parking Lot(Arlington, VA), Peirce Mill(DC) all @6:30-7:30 PM
Friday Swim Practice (Requires “all swim pass”): Chinquapin Rec (Alexandria) at 6-7:30 AM
Cherry Blossom EXPO: The Building Museum (DC) @3-8:00 PM
Colonies Zones Master Swim Meet: George Mason Pool, Jim McKay Natatorium @3:30 PM -10:00 PM
Look Ahead for This Weekend’s Events
**Note: Subject to change and final details come out in the weekend email which is always published on Wed or Thur. **
Cherry Blossom EXPO: The Building Museum (DC) @9-5:00 PM
Group Ride: Monocacy Middle School, Frederick, MD- Rides from 1-2 hrs. /15-20 miles, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 miles. 9:00 AM start time, ride ends by 1:00 PM ”“ no exceptions and please pick the appropriate distance for your capabilities
Group Ride: Riley’s Lock, Potomac, MD- Rides from 1-2 hrs. /15-20 miles, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 miles. 9:00 AM start time, ride ends by 1:00 PM ”“ no exceptions and please pick the appropriate distance for your capabilities
Running Technique Clinic: Potomac River Running (PRR) Arlington, VA-8:30-10:00 AM
Group Run: Hash Run, PRR Arlington, VA- 10-11:00 AM
New Z Plan Your Season Clinic: PRR Arlington, VA-11-12:30 PM
Race Planning, Marathon/IM Prep: Arlington Oaks Rec Room, Arlington, VA -4-6:00 PM
— Coach Alexis