September 1, 2015
The week of Aug 31 – Sept 6 in Team Z
Just a few reminders before we get to the meat of this week’s planning message:
*No boot camp at Arlington PRR tonight
**Claude Moore Pool is closed from today until Sept 13.
***Audrey Moore Pool is closed until Sept 20.
****Long Swims begin this week (extra 30 minutes).
*****There are Changes to this weekend’s group workouts
In this email:
- Overview of team events for the week of August 31- September 6th
- Reminders of boot camps/yoga/
- Pool Closures this week
- Long Swims this week
- Some Changes to this coming weekend’s schedule ”“ Advance Poll for Planning
- Likely changes to future weekend’s schedule
- Overview of team events for the week of August 17-21
*Please note ”“ long swim start/end time is not reflected in this list ”“ please see #4 below for details on pools where you can gain an extra 30 minutes of swimming if you wish.
- Monday Runs: Fairview Urban Park @ 6:00 PM; Peirce Mill/Rock Creek Trail Run, Fast Track PT (Power Run), PRR Arlington, PRR Reston and Washingtonian Center at 6:30 PM
- Monday Boot Camps: Lyon Village Com Center @ 6:00 AM; Fairview Urban Park @ 7:00 PM; and PRR Reston@7:15 PM
- Monday Post Run/Boot Camp Socials: PRR Arlington post run/bc @ The Green Turtle, Ballston;
- Tuesday Group Swims: Spring Hill @ 5:15; Providence Rec Center @ 5:30 AM; Chinquapin, UDC, and Old Keene Mill @ 6:00 AM; Chinquapin @ 12:30 PM; Stone Ridge @ 8:00 PM
- Tuesday Group Rides: Haines Point, Beach Drive, and Wakefield Park @ 6:30 PM
- Wed Track Practices: W&L High School, Coolidge High School @ 6:00 AM; Westfield High School @ 6:00 PM; Wakefield High School, Bethesda Chevy Chase High School @6:30 PM
- Wed Boot Camps: Westfield High School @ 7:00 PM, Bethesda Chevy Chace High School and Wakefield High School @ 7:30 PM
- Thursday Group Swims: Spring Hill @ 5:15; Providence Rec Center @ 5:30 AM; Chinquapin, UDC, and Old Keene Mill @ 6:00 AM; Chinquapin @ 12:30 PM; Stone Ridge @ 8:00 PM
- Thursday Group Rides: The Bike Lane, Reston Town Center @ 6:00 PM; W&L Parking Garage (Lower Level), Peirce Mill, and Sleepy Hollow Elementary School @ 6:30 PM
- Friday ”“ Rest Day
- Reminders of boot camps/yoga
Each fall as we head into our taper season, and then transition (start of) to our winter season”¦we take a break from boot camps and Yoga. For your calenda
- The Last Boot camps will be held on Monday August 31, and then Wednesday Sept 2. (Yes, that is this week)
- After this week, we will pick up with boot camps again on Monday Oct 12. Yoga will begin again the week of Monday, November 2nd.
- Pool Closures this week
Each fall ”“ many pools close for draining, repairs, and cleaning. In Fairfax those pools are rotated each year, some closures are longer than others based on the repairs planned. There is not much we can do, except plan for this and look for pools that can meet your needs in the interim.
Pool Closures Information that I am aware of at this point (please share with me if you know of more):
- Claude Moore – Closed August 31 until September 13
- Providence Rec ”“ No planned Closings
- Spring Hill Rec ”“ no planned closings
- Chinquapin ”“ Closed from September 7th – Sept 11th. Monday – Friday morning practices will be held at Cameron St Pool. No 12:30pm – 1:30pm practice that week.
- Audrey Moore ”“ Closed from August 22 until Sept 20th
- Long Swims this week
As a thought for some of you ”“ Dominic’s Swim box can be rented for training time. If you can’t find the 90 minutes, or would prefer continuous open water simulation without turns ”“ maybe a thought. Swim with black out goggles too. :-0 (not). Email Dominic at
As we approach Ironman time each season (2.4 mile swim) ”“ we add a few dates at certain pools where we pay for (or have access to) and additional 30 minutes of swimming. So, you would have a 90 minutes swim in order to increase your volume a hair before taper. As a reminder ”“ we only taper our swim for 10 days (run and bike are 4-5 weeks).
Anyone can enjoy the extra time ”“ not just Ironman people. The extra time is not coached ”“ there may be coaches there at some facilities but the “workout” is for 30 minutes straight, no stopping. Then, the normal 60 minute workout applies with the rest of the crew. Here is where we plan to have extra swimming ”“ some of this is still conditional on contracts but I expect them to be all good.
Tuesday Sept 1, Thurs Sept 3 UNTIL Tues Sept 22 and Thurs Sep 24. There are four Tuesdays, and four Thursdays where the following will be available.
- Spring Hill ”“ two lanes that will swim from 5:15 ”“ 6:30 vice 5:15-6:15. We will ask the coach to arrive 10 minutes early ”“ you get in early.
- Providence ”“ 6 lanes that will swim from 5:00-6:30 vice 5:30-6:30
- Chinquapin ”“ already 1:30, no changes
- Stone Ridge ”“ 8:00-9:30 already, no changes
- Old Keene Mill ”“ already 1:30, no changes
- UDC ”“ 5:30 to 7:00 AM (normally 6-7 AM)
- Some Changes to this coming weekend’s schedule
This coming weekend there will be one supported group run, and one supported group ride. There will be an unsupported group ride from Skyline.
- Saturday: The supported group ride will be from Harwood, Southern High School at 7:00 AM.
- Sunday: the group run will be from Pierce mill at 7:00 AM
- Saturday: The unsupported group ride will be Skyline Drive
It has been a while and this is a beautiful ride ”“ Chesapeake beach, etc. Staff ”“ I have to re-organize you this week so please let me know if you are available. I will follow up ASAP.
Please Vote for this coming weekend’s activities: Advance Poll for Planning
- Likely changes to future weekend’s schedule (Sat Sept 11/12)
- This is Nations Tri and Patriots weekend
- We will have one supported group brick workout from White’s Ferry, Dickerson Md
- We will have one group Run on Sunday from the East Falls Church Metro ”“ Arlington Va
- We will have one unsupported group ride on the IM MD course in Cambridge (thank you for coordinating with me)
Staff ”“ again, I’d like to work with you to re-org the schedule.