June 2, 2014
The week of Monday, June 2 – Team Z West
I moved the maintenance clinic to Thursday at 6:00 PM at the Bike Lane.
In this email:
1. Important notes for the week
2. Overview of Team Z West events for the week
3. Overview of clinics offered this week
1. Important notes for the week”¦
A. Great news from Rock Hall. Ed sent out a longer note on the subject. It definitely seems like this season’s energy is snowballing! IM training is ramping up, newbies are getting their first races in, veterans are PR’ing, and it seems like fun is at an all time high!
2. Overview of Events/Activities for West Mon-Mon
Monday PM group run – 6:00 PM ”“ Potomac River Running, Reston, VA
Monday PM bootcamp ”“ 7:00 PM ”“ Parking garage, top floor, behind PRR Reston
Tuesday AM swim ”“ 5:15 AM at Spring Hill Rec, 5:30 at Providence Rec, 6:30 AM at Audrey Moore
Tuesday PM bike ride ”“ 6:00 PM ”“ The Stew Ride ”“ Steaurt Elementary, Ashburn, VA
Tuesday PM bike ride ”“ 6:30 PM ”“ Wafefield Outdoor classroom, Anndandale, VA
Tuesday PM swim ”“ 8:00 PM ”“ Claude Moore Rec in Sterling and Audrey Moore Rec in Annandale
Wednesday PM track ”“ 6:00 PM ”“ Westfield HS, Chantilly, VA
Wednesday PM bootcamp ”“ 7:00 PM ”“ Westfield HS, Chantilly, VA
Thursday AM swim – 5:15 AM at Spring Hill Rec, 5:30 at Providence, 6:30 AM at Audrey Moore
Thursday group ride ”“ 6:00 PM ”“ The Bike Lane, Reston, VA
Thursday bike maintenance clinic ”“ 6:00 PM ”“ the Bike Lane, Reston, VA
Thursday ride ”“ 6:30 PM ”“ Sleepy Hollow Ride – Sleepy Hollow Elementary, Falls Church, VA
Thursday PM swim ”“ 8:00 PM ”“ Claude Moore Rec in Sterling and Audrey Moore in Annandale
Sat/Sun team race ”“ Eagleman ”“ Cambridge, MD
Saturday group brick ”“ 8:00 AM ”“ Riley’s Lock, Potomac, MD
Sunday group brick ”“ 8:00 AM ”“ Tyler Elementary School, Gainesville, VA
Sunday group run ”“ 8:00 AM (rolling start options) ”“ Endurance Athlete Center, Falls Church, VA
Sunday Strength and Injury Prevention Clinic ”“ 9:00 AM ”“ Endurance Athlete Center, Falls Church, VA
Sunday HR Training Clinic ”“ 10:30 AM – Endurance Athlete Center, Falls Church, VA
Sunday Nutrition Clinic ”“ 6:00 PM ”“ Arlington Oaks, Arlington, VA
Monday PM group run – 6:00 PM ”“ Potomac River Running, Reston, VA
Monday PM foam roller – 7:00 PM ”“ Parking garage, top floor, behind PRR Reston
Note ”“ more specific details and directions for the weekend workouts and will be provided later this week. “This weekend in” e-mails are typically sent by COB on Thursdays.
Link to all chapters’ workout location files, and shared weekends: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/TeamZ/files/ALL%20Training%20Documents%20and%20Schedules/Workout%20Locations%20/
Link to pool schedule via the Lane 4 Masters page: http://www.l4swimming.org/
Link to west regular workout location directions: https://groups.yahoo.com/groups/TeamZ/files/ALL%20Training%20Documents%20and%20Schedules/Workout%20Locations%20/
3. Overview of Team Z West clinics for this week”¦
Thursday bike maintenance clinic ”“ 6:00 PM ”“ the Bike Lane, Reston, VA
The Bike Maintenance Clinic is not intended to provide detailed instructions on how to build or tune a bike. It is intended for you to learn basic safety checks, how to clean and maintain your bike, how to remove and replace wheels, and how to properly change a flat tire. We will talk about what you should carry with you on bike rides, and where to carry it. We will also address what you need to buy to maintain your bike (or what substitutes you have at home that will work just fine for now!). We will teach you additional tricks such as how to ride your chain back on to the bike when you drop it. We will teach you some basic adjustments for gears (fix ghost shifting) and breaks.
BRING WITH YOU: (Only if you have them, come anyway if you have nothing! Bring what you can if you have some things but not all!). Your saddle bag, tire levers, pump, and your front wheel. Please, if you can, CLEAN your front wheel using soap, water, and/or windex/etc. We will actually TEACH YOU and let you PRACTICE changing a flat with our help and feedback. If your tire is not cleaned, you will get dirt on yourself, your clothes, the carpet, and us. If you don’t have time to go home and get these things, come anyway and we’ll have some things to lend (but not a ton).
When: Thursday, June 5, 6:00 PM
Where: The Bike Lane, Reston Town Center
Address: 11943 Democracy Drive, Reston, VA
Google Map Link: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=reston+town+center,+reston,+va+the+bike+lane&hl=en&cd=1&ei=-1MWTO3rE5KWyASc4_XuBA&sig2=OrOl310Il0VAtHVfEYxKmQ&ie=UTF8&view=map&cid=15548497034476617431&ved=0CFIQpQY&hq=reston+town+center,+reston,+va+the+bike+lane&hnear=&ll=38.960009,-77.359564&spn=0.006841,0.02105&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A
Website: www.thebikelane.com
Sunday Strength and Injury Prevention Clinic ”“ 9:00 AM ”“ Endurance Athlete Center, Falls Church, VA
If you have muscles, or a skeletal system, or hope to own some someday, this clinic is for you”¦
This clinic is another of the “do not miss” variety. All are welcome, new Zs and vets alike. Please come dressed in athletic clothing. Don’t stress about this at all – this is not a workout! There is a test, but it is not likely you’ll even break a sweat and we simply do not make you max out on push ups or anything silly like that.
What they WILL do is put you through a very cool series of functional assessment tests. These are tests that Kerri (our team PT) has put together to help YOU identify the most common muscle imbalances or weaknesses found in Team Z Triathletes. Each of these possible imbalances or weaknesses could lead to injury if not identified, and then CORRECTED! You will each take the tests and receive a score – it is a very eye opening experience for everyone. And again, the tests are NOT exercises. After the test is complete – the gang will teach you the exercises that you can execute to correct these weaknesses and imbalances. Very cool clinic – do NOT miss!
When: Sunday, 9:00 AM (with hash run afterwards)
Leaders: Strength guru Kerri Kramer
Address: 510 West Annandale Road, Falls Church, VA
Google Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=510+West+Annandale+Road,+Falls+Church,+VA&aq=&sll=38.852542,-77.181702&sspn=1.082296,2.741089&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=510+W+Annandale+Rd,+Falls+Church,+Virginia+22046&ll=38.880961,-77.173698&spn=0.00887,0.021415&z=16
Sunday HR Training Clinic ”“ 10:30 AM – Endurance Athlete Center, Falls Church, VA
Come for part, come for all. But PLEASE try to make the clinic! It is important and in the long run I really believe that what you learn about HRT will most affect your training with Team Z and what you get from this experience.
The clinic is well organized and the presentation is made by one of our teammates who is a PhD in Bio Chemistry. He will help you understand WHY Heart Rate Training works, and most importantly Matt will teach you what is happening inside your body when you follow the training plans that are designed for you. If you can stay for the entire seminar I KNOW that you will learn more than you realize! You do not need to bring anything unless you’d like to take notes.
New Z’s ”“ this is traditionally our most popular clinic and for good reason ”“ really prioritize this one!
When: Sunday, 10:30 AM
Leaders: Matt
Where: The Endurance Athlete Center (formerly Fast Track PT)
Address: 510 West Annandale Road, Falls Church, VA
Google Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=510+West+Annandale+Road,+Falls+Church,+VA&aq=&sll=38.852542,-77.181702&sspn=1.082296,2.741089&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=510+W+Annandale+Rd,+Falls+Church,+Virginia+22046&ll=38.880961,-77.173698&spn=0.00887,0.021415&z=16
Sunday Nutrition Clinic ”“ 6:00 PM ”“ Arlington Oaks, Arlington, VA
The Guest Speaker is Rebecca Mohning, who has TONS of experience in working with endurance athletes (and Zrs for that matter). Rebecca Teaches for GW University and consults for corporations as well as Division 1 athletic programs. The clinic lasts one hour – you do not need to bring anything with you unless you’d like to take notes. This clinic always receives rave reviews from attendees! Rebecca has probably helped at least 400 Team Zrs achieve personal, training, or race nutrition goals for the last decade. Come and meet her!
When: Sunday, 6:00 PM
Where: Tysons Potomac River Running Store (Next to Trader Joes)
Address: 7516 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22043
Google Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=7516+Leesburg+Pike,+Falls+Church,+Fairfax+County,+Virginia+22043&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=36.642161,63.28125&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FbGeUQIda_Zl-w&split=0&ll=38.904159,-77.203867&spn=0.0088,0.01545&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A