October 27, 2014

The week of 10/27 in Team Z MD/DC

Woot, Woot! Congrats to our Cozumel bound Zers who completed the 120/20 long ride/run weekend. Now is not the time to let up. Continue to follow training plan to the letter. Avoid overtraining or making up a workout you missed. YOU’RE ALMOST THERE. Stick to the training plans and you’ll be setting yourself up for success!

In this email:

  1. Important announcements for the week
  2. Overview of Team Z MDC Clinics
  3. Overview of Team Z MDC events and activities offered this week.
  4. Directions to Team Z MDC Group workouts

Awesome thought of the week:

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.”
Thomas Jefferson


1. Important announcements for the week

A. 90 minute swims to begin this Tuesday

90 minute swim practices for our IM Cozumel folks begin this Tuesday, October 28 and continue until Thursday, November 20.  All swimmers, regardless of whether they are training for Cozumel, are welcome to swim at 5:30 AM.  At UDC, You can also attend at the regular 6:00 AM start time.

UDC: 2-3 lanes from 5:30 AM to 6:00 AM

Stone Ridge: 1-2 lanes from 8-9:30 PM

B. Another reminder that group indoor spins begin Tuesday, November 4

Remember that we have no workout leaders for this week’s bike workouts. Feel free to get together on your own. Please remember to get your hands on a bike trainer. We will go indoors beginning, Tuesday, November 4 for our Tuesday bike workouts.  Our Thursday bike workout will become a run. More deets to follow next week.

What to expect at the group indoor spins: When attending spin class, you should bring a small towel for sweat, large towel for underneath your bike so you don’t ruin the floor, filled water bottles, your bike, and a trainer. If you need a trainer, I will bring two, maybe three extra trainers for those who contact me prior to the group spin. Even though we have folks spinning that are doing different tracks, the workout leader will lead the entire group. Just come in, start setting up, and start a slow warm up. If you need help setting up your trainer, please ask!



2. Overview of Team Z Clinics taking place this week

Saturday Running Technique Clinic – 8:00 AM – Arlington PRR

This clinic is taught by ProTriathlete and Potomac River Running Store Owner, Margie Shapiro.   The clinic will begin with an overview of gate analysis and proper shoe selection.   It will then move into a high level introduction of running form, most common mistakes made by runners, and how to fix those mistakes.   The goal is to introduce you to the basic concepts of proper running form to aid in prevention of running related injuries.   The lecture will cover all of the main topics and tools that can be used to improve your running technique, and then we’ll move outside for a session to have you practice some running drills.   People will be asked to participate as examples and we’ll correct running form as needed.   So wear your athletic gear and expect to be “active”, though we are not going for a “group run” during the clinic.   So don’t worry about that!

Saturday, 8:00 AM
Where: Arlington Potomac River Running Store
Leader: Alexis and Margie
Street Address: 4501 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA

Google map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/4501+Fairfax+Dr,+Arlington,+VA+22213/@38.8870424,-77.1616694,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x89b7b4efb2fd887d:0x2722c016b989b78c  


Sunday Strength and Injury Prevention Clinic ”“ 9:00 AM – Fast Track Physical Therapy, Falls Church
If you have muscles, or a skeletal system, or hope to own some someday, this clinic is for you!  This clinic is another of the “do not miss” variety.   All are welcome, new Zs and vets alike.   Kerri, Iwan, and Melody will put on the “greatest show on earth” for you.   Please come dressed in athletic clothing.   Don’t stress about this at all – this is not a workout!   There is a test, but it is not likely you’ll even break a sweat and we simply do not make you max out on push-ups or anything silly like that.

What they WILL do is put you through a very cool series of functional assessment tests.   These are tests that Kerri (our team PT) has put together to help YOU identify the most common muscle imbalances or weaknesses found in Team Z Triathletes.   Each of these possible imbalances or weaknesses could lead to injury if not identified, and then CORRECTED!   You will each take the tests and receive a score – it is a very eye opening experience for everyone.   And again, the tests are NOT exercises.   After the test is complete – the gang will teach you the exercises that you can execute to correct these weaknesses and imbalances.   Very cool clinic – do NOT miss!

When: Sunday, 9:00 AM
Leaders: Kerri Kramer
Address: 510 West Annandale Road, Falls Church, VA
Google Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=510+West+Annandale+Road,+Falls+Church,+VA&aq=&sll=38.852542,-77.181702&sspn=1.082296,2.741089&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=510+W+Annandale+Rd,+Falls+Church,+Virginia+22046&ll=38.880961,-77.173698&spn=0.00887,0.021415&z=16


3. Overview of Team Z MD events and activities for this week and a little of next week

Monday Morning Boot Camp ”“ 6:30 PM at City Sports Silver Spring

Monday Group Runs – 12:15PM at Freedom Plaza, DC and 6:00PM at Woodside Park, Silver Spring

NO Tuesday Flat Course Group Ride ”“ Meet on your own. No workout leaders

Tuesday Swims ”“LONG SWIMS BEGIN! 5:30-7:00 AM at UDC/Van Ness, 7:45-9:00 PM at American University and 8-9:30 PM at Stone Ridge School in Bethesda

Wednesday AM Track Practice – 6:00AM at Coolidge High School, Takoma, DC

Wednesday PM Track Practice – 6:30 PM at BCC High School, Bethesda, MD

Wednesday PM Boot Camp ”“ 7:30 PM at BCC High School, Bethesda, MD

Thursday Swims ”“LONG SWIMS BEGIN! 5:30-7:00 AM at UDC/Van Ness, 7:45-9:00 PM at American University and 8-9:30 PM at Stone Ridge School in Bethesda

NO Thursday Hilly Course Group Ride – Meet on your own. No workout leaders


Saturday Running Technique Clinic-8:00 AM at Arlington PRR, Arlington, VA

Saturday Group Run -9:30 AM at Arlington PRR, Arlington, VA

Sunday Strength and Injury Prevention-9:00 AM at Endurance Athletes Center, Falls Church, VA

Sunday Group Ride -7:00 AM at Target, Easton, MD

NO Monday Boot Camp-Recovery week


4. Link to all group workout files plus directions

Link to all chapters’ workout location files, and shared weekends: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/TeamZ/files/ALL%20Training%20Documents%20and%20Schedules/Workout%20Locations%20/

Link to Team Z MDC directions to our group workouts



Link to pool schedule via the Lane 4 Masters page: http://www.l4swimming.org/

Link is below: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/TeamZ/files/ALL%20Training%20Documents%20and%20Schedules/Workout%20Locations%20/