October 27, 2016
The weekend of 10/29 and 10/30 in Team Z
Hello Folks! Quick reminders for this weekend.
First – Attendance has been decent for the time of year. I reallyl appreciate that and I want to encourage you to keep on your game through this tranisition stretch. Don’t wait until 2 or 3 weeks from now to pick up with your trianing plans, you’ll regret those missed weeks even if the work is not that hard (yet).
Get out the door and enjoy the fall weather!
Details for this weekends Events:
1. Saturday Cycling Injury Prevention, Technique, and Fit Clinic (1:30 PM – Fast Track in Merriefield)
2. Saturday Group Run (9:00 AM Pierce Mill in DC)
3. Sunday Group Ride (9:00 AM Easton Target)
1. Saturday Cycling Injury Prevention, Technique, and Fit Clinic (1:30 PM – Fast Track in Merriefield)
- When ”“ Saturday at 1:30 PM
- Where ”“ Fast Track Sports Medicine and Performance Center
- Google Map ”“ https://goo.gl/maps/fjTv9BMM6g12
- Clinic Instructor: Kerri Kramer Webb – Owner of Fast Track/The Endurance Athlete Center, PhD, Triathlete, Showtime Skills….
- Clinic Instructor: Kur Sohn, an Independent Bike Fitter and Physical Therapist
You do not need a bike, you do not need workout clothes, you do not need knowledge. On the flip side, having a little knowledge and been through a few bike fits does not mean this clinic will not benefit you.
Come and learn about why you may have that nagging knee issue WHEN YOU RUN (yes, could be the cleat position on your shoe). Find out about seat height, and how a poorly fitting bike can cause over use injuries. You may be enlightened as to why you have that recurring uncomfortable “thing” every time you ride (neck hurts, hands fall asleep, slide forward on your saddle, sit bone issues)
Kur Sohn is a major new relationship and service provider with Kerri’s Team at Fast Track. Come and meet him, and then ask him what all of these things stand for after his name…
2. Saturday Group Run (9:00 AM Pierce Mill in DC)
Peirce Mill is one of the prettiest places we run. And while it may be a bit of a drive from Fairfax to the city…
A. Keep in mind how many times those MD and DC people come our way for everything….
B. Make sure your GPS takes you up Rock Creek Parkway. Once you are in the city it is lickity split to the run start.
C. The road we run on is closed to traffic and meanders through the Park next to a babbling brook (yes I said babbling, like Abe). With fall colors and the short/easier run distances this is a no brainer. Plan to grab some coffee after the run just up the hill at Fire hook.
- When ”“ Saturday at 9:00 AM
- Where ”“ Pierce Mill, Rock Creek Park
- Google Map ”“ https://goo.gl/maps/tMjQw4H8yP72
- In Charge: Alexis, Abe
- Run Leaders (there to run, run walk, or walk with new members or lead small groups): Jen, Karl, Beth
Be sure to take advantage of these run leaders. They are friendly, and knowledgeable!
3. Sunday Group Ride (9:00 AM Easton Target)
This ride is 90 minutes from Fairfax. 75 minutes from Silver Spring. It is not the closest ride, but we head there to find truly flat ground to prepare us for the final fall races (flat as a pancake). This ride rolls through historic St. Michaels.
Take a look at google map image of all of that water...we don’t have a cue sheet as this ride is 100% out and back. The first part of the ride is a bit boring, but the middle section is very cool. Plan to stay for lunch in one of the small restaurants in St. Michaels.
- When: 9:00 AM on Sunday
- Where: Easton Target
- Ride Distances: Max 70 (1:30 PM shut it down). Out and back course ”“ so as short as you like! It is flat, so if you go at a reasonable pace you may achieve distances you did not think was previously possible!
- Directions: https://members.triteamz.com/locations/target-easton/
- Address: 28539 Marlboro Ave, Easton MD
- In Charge: Mary, Mark, Marti
- Ride Leaders (there to ride with new members or lead small groups): Chad, Miro, Dexter
- Sag Drivers: Sara, Kerri, Linda