December 31, 2014
This Weekend In Team Z – January 3 – 4, 2015
Well, this is it. Another year gone past. Is it me or do they keep going by faster and faster? Is this what old age is about!?!?
Here’s a factoid for ya ”“ remember that classic 80’s flick Back To The Future Part II? Well, the future in that movie was 2015. Yup, that’s right, we are officially in the future. WHERE IS MY HOVERBOARD???
CONGRATS to Ed & Talia on their wedding this weekend. I’m more than sure it will be a memorable affair ”“ or a completely forgettable one, depending on how much Miller Lite gets consumed.
In this e-mail:
Saturday Running Technique Clinic ”“ 8:00 AM ”“ Potomac River Running Arlington
Saturday Group Run ”“ 9:00 AM (after clinic) ”“ Potomac River Running Arlington
Sunday Cycling Etiquette & Safety Clinic ”“ 8:30 AM ”“ Arlington Oaks
Sunday Group Ride ”“ 9:00 AM ”“ Southern High School, Harwood, MD
Bay Swim ”“ Another Reminder!!!
Saturday Running Technique Clinic ”“ 8:00 AM ”“ Potomac River Running Arlington
Guest Speaker ”“ Margie Shapiro
This clinic is taught by Pro Triathlete and Potomac River Running Store Owner, Margie Shapiro. The clinic will begin with an overview of gait analysis and proper shoe selection. It will then move into a high level introduction of running form, most common mistakes made by runners, and how to fix those mistakes. The goal is to introduce you to the basic concepts of proper running form to aid in prevention of running related injuries. The lecture will cover all of the main topics and tools that can be used to improve your running technique, and then we’ll move outside for a session to have you practice some running drills. People will be asked to participate as examples and we’ll correct running form as needed, so wear your athletic gear and expect to be “active”, though we are not going for a “group run” during the clinic. This is a fantastic clinic and is for EVERYONE!
When: Saturday, 8:00 AM
Where: Arlington Potomac River Running Store
Leader: Margie
Street Address: 4501 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA
Saturday Group Run ”“ 9:00 AM ”“ Potomac River Running Arlington
Run around the streets and paths of Arlington! Even if you don’t make the clinic, come out for the group run after. Some folks have up to 18 miles on their schedules this weekend ”“ if nothing else, be out there to cheer them along!
When: Saturday, 9:00 AM
Where: Arlington Potomac River Running Store
Leader: Alexis
Street Address: 4501 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA
Sunday Cycling Etiquette and Safety Clinic ”“ 8:30 AM ”“ Arlington Oaks
The cycling etiquette and safety clinic is a lecture based session. Please come dressed as you are and bring paper and a pen IF you would like to take notes. This clinic is extremely important if you have never been taught the “rules of the road” with regards to road cycling. We will teach you about hand and voice communication that cyclists use. We will talk about the etiquette and “expectations” of how you operate your bike in a group environment, or while riding alone. While the clinic has a boring title, for many of you I’m certain you will walk away with a TONS of new information helping you to build your confidence when riding in a group environment ”“ or even out by yourself for a Sunday stroll on the W&OD Trail.
When: Sunday, 8:30 AM
Leader: Alexis
Where: Arlington Oaks Rec Room
Address: 4490 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington, VA 22203
Beware of parking ”“ you can’t park in the A. Oaks lot without a permit, but there is PLENTY of street parking!
Google Map:
Sunday Group Ride ”“ 9:00 AM ”“ Southern High School, Harwood, MD
Beginner friendly ride!! Folks of ALL tracks and ALL experience levels should come out to this one. It’s a familiar ride for many of you ”“ so newbies, come along and meet some teammates!
When you respond to the Team poll on the Yahoo Group, please click what mileage you plan on doing.
Leader: Abe Parker
Sag Drivers: Sara Greene, Maureen Shea
Ride Leaders: Jodie Hofacre, Jeff McIntyre
Printing Cue Sheets: Abe
Cue Sheet Link:
Distance Options: 17, 25, 30, 40, 48
Distance Notes: If doing four hours and need a longer option, please do a longer ride first (40 or 48), then a shorter distance (17 or 25) ”“ to create four hours.
Where: Southern High School, Harwood Md
Address: 4400 Solomons Island Rd, Harwood, MD 20776
Google Map:
Another Note About Bay Swim ”“ Registration & Lottery
There are a few open water swims on the Team Z race calendar this year. For those of you that are interested in the Great Chesapeake Bay Swim (GCBS) 4.4 miler in June the lottery sign up closes on Jan 5th. You must be selected via lottery in order to participate in this amazing swim. This year will be my 17th consecutive year doing it.
Please go to the Lin-Mark website ( and follow the links to the Bay Swim Lottery Registration. There are no costs to sign up for the lottery. If selected you don’t have to enter.
Names will start being selected on Jan 7th. Be sure to check your Spam/Junk folders. The email notification is time sensitive. Those selected have 2 days to proceed with the online entry process.