July 13, 2015
What’s Happening in Z World, Monday, July 13 – Wednesday, July 15
We know that you all get bombarded with a ton of information from us. Currently, the team gets a weekday and a weekend email about all the team activities taking place. In order to streamline our team communications and hopefully, make it easier for you, we want to try a single Wednesday message that would include the team activities for a Seven day period beginning the Thursday of the current week all the way to the Wednesday of the following week. One message would cover the weekday and the current weekend team activities plus the group activities for the next week up to Wednesday.
Please bear with us we transition to this new format. For this message, I will include the activities for today through Wednesday of this week plus any relevant announcements. Give us a chance to work out any kinks before contacting us with ways to improve the process. We love the constructive feedback, just hold off for a little bit.
Important Announcements and Reminders for this week
Overview of events and activities from Monday through Wednesday of this week