December 24, 2018
Running Tips for Advanced Triathletes
Triathlon Trainer Washington, DC
As an advanced triathlete, you may have been through a handful of triathlons already. You likely fully understand just how much preparation and hard work can go into such competitions. Competitors tend to be better in one leg of the race compared to the others. In most triathlons, a race includes swimming, running and cycling. Even advanced triathletes may want to improve on their running strength and stamina. A trainer can work with you to create an exercise plan that focuses on running performance.
Here are several running tips for advanced triathletes who want to get a little bit stronger for their upcoming triathlon:
#1 Add Strides to Your Routine
Strides are accelerations of 20-30 seconds, where the trainee builds up to and holds 95% of maximum of their speed. Afterwards, the trainee does a solid walk or light jog before building up into the next set. A trainer may recommend starting off with doing a few per week, then building up to a dozen or more. These strides should give you a good workout, but not exhaust you. Strides are a great technique to use when getting prepared for a triathlon. However, it is key that you do not tense up your body as you do these. If your body is resistant, you may want to slow down a bit, as to not injure yourself.
#2 Evaluate Your Body for Mobility
If you feel restricted and not entirely flexible in range of motion, running may be harder than it needs to be. You can examine your body for mobility, or have a trainer do an evaluation for you. You may know someone who has offered to do a mobility check for you. However, we suggest consulting with a trainer that has experience working with people just like you, who run often or participate in triathlons. A trainer can create a plan for working through mobility problem areas, such as the hamstrings and hip flexors.
#3 Imagine Your Legs as Wheels
Sometimes, a trainer may suggest visualizing your body in a metaphoric way. For example, it may help a triathlete improve their running to imagine their legs as spinning wheels instead of a swinging pendulum. Running with a wheel-like motion in mind can quickly improve your running form, saving you the much needed energy required to finish the entire triathlon.
#4 Incorporate Plyometrics
Plyometrics can improve a competitor’s run through increasing power strength, having more bounce-back to strides, and enhancing running efficiency. First timers to plyometrics may not want to do these exercises alone, as the risk for injury can be quite high. Examples of plyometric workouts include box jumps, jumping up stairs, one-legged rocket jumps, and more. A trainer can help guide you through these workouts safely.
Please give us a call to book a consultation with a triathlon trainer Washington, DC relies on at Team Z. They have been helping triathletes improve their running skills for quite some time, and have likely seen many people just like you who want to see results.