July 28, 2014
The week of 7/27/14 in Team Z MD/DC
In this email:
1. Important announcements for the week
2. Overview of Team Z MDC Clinics
3. Overview of Team Z MDC events and activities offered this week.
4. Directions to Team Z MDC Group workouts
Awesome thought of the week:
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” ”” Frederick Douglass
- Important announcements for the week
A. Due to construction, no swims PM swims at Stone Ridge for the next two weeks
Sorry folks. It’s out of my control. Please attend the UDC or American U. swim practices and I’ll confirm when the pools will be available.
B D. 90 Minute Swims Continue this week. 5:30- 7:00 AM at UDC
ALL ARE WELCOME regardless of whether you’re training for Cozumel. Otherwise, you’re welcome to start at the usual 6:00 Am start time. Long swims will continue until the first week of August.Where: Potomac River Running
Address: Rockville Town Center115 Gibbs St. Rockville, MD The store is located in the courtyard area.
2. Overview of Team Z Clinics taking place this week (Weekend clinics explained in weekend email)
A. Tuesday’s Cycling Etiquette and Safety Clinic
The cycling etiquette and safety clinic is a lecture based session. Please come dressed as you are and bring paper and a pen IF you would like to take notes. This clinic is extremely important if you have never been taught the rules of the road with regards to road cycling. We will teach you about hand and voice communication that cyclists use. We will talk about the etiquette and expectations of how you operate your bike in a group environment, or while riding alone. While the clinic has a boring title, for many of you I’m certain you will walk away with a TONS of new information helping you to build your confidence when riding in a group environment or even out by yourself for a Sunday stroll on the W&OD Trail.
When: Tuesday at 6:30 PM
Where: Freshbikes of Bethesda
Address: 7626 Old Georgetown Rd Bethesda, MD 20814
There is underground parking on the Woodmont Ave. side of Freshbikes.
Google Map: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=200894648877363321859.0004b039cf3c7048982f3&msa=0
B. Wednesday Track Etiquette and Running Clinic – 30 minutes
Do our track workouts look like a foreign language to you? Come learn how to read workouts and how to do the drills that Team Z does on a regular basis. Also included are the “ins and outs” of track etiquette. We will do the clinic for less than an hour, with track practice immediately following the clinic, and boot camp immediately after that. The clinic starts at 6:00 PM (during track practice).
Note this happens DURING track practice. We may start a couple of minutes late after we get everybody going. We will meet at the track.
When: Wednesday 6:00 AM at Coolidge HS or 6:30 PM at BCC
Where: Coolidge High School in the AM or Bethesda Chevy Chase (BCC) High School in the PM
Address: 6315 5th St. NW, Washington DC in the AM or 4301 East West Highway Bethesda, MD 20814 in the PM
C. Thursday’s Cycling Technique Clinic
The cycling Technique Clinic is a lecture based session. Please come dressed as you are and bring paper and a pen IF you would like to take notes. This clinic will be helpful to you if you have never been coached in cycling ”“ and especially if you have never done research into “proper pedal stroke”. We will talk about body position on bikes ”“ including posture, weight distribution, hand placement, etc. We will address subjects such as climbing, descending, cornering, gear selection, etc. We’ll introduce you to common drills that you will see on your training schedules such as spin ups, single leg drill, big gear drill, and riding out of the saddle. If those subjects are of interest ”“ then I think you’ll find this clinic worth your time and a valuable addition to your tool kit.
When: Thursday at 6:30 PM
Where: Freshbikes of Bethesda
Address: 7626 Old Georgetown Rd Bethesda, MD 20814
There is underground parking on the Woodmont Ave. side of Freshbikes.
Google Map: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=200894648877363321859.0004b039cf3c7048982f3&msa=0
3. Overview of Team Z MD events and activities for this week and a little of next week
Monday AM Boot Camp – 6:00AM at City Sports Silver Spring
Monday Group Runs – 12:15PM at Freedom Plaza, DC, 6:00PM at Woodside Park, Silver Spring and 6:30 PM at Potomac River Running Rockville, MD
Tuesday Flat Course Group Ride – 6:30PM at Beach Drive, Kensington, MD
Tuesday Cycling Etiquette and Safety Clinic-6:30 PM at Freshbikes, Bethesda, MD
Tuesday Swims – 6:00AM UDC/Van Ness Swim, and 8:00 PM at American University, Washington, DC (NO SWIMS AT STONERIDGE FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS)
Wednesday AM Track Practice – 6:00AM at Coolidge High School, Takoma, DC
Wednesday PM Track Practice – 6:30PM at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School
Wednesday PM Boot Camp – 7:30PM at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School
Thursday Swim – 6:00AM at UDC Van Ness, and 8:00PM at American University, Washington, DC (NO SWIMS AT STONERIDGE FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS)
Thursday Hilly Course Group Ride – 6:30PM at Peirce Mill, DC
Thursday Cycling Techniques Clinic-6:30 PM at Freshbikes Bethesda, MD
Saturday Group Ride ”“ (10, 20, 30, 40,50,60,70 miles) – 8:00 AM at Monocacy Middle School, Fredrick, MD
Saturday Group Run ”“ (3, 4, 5,7,9,10,12 miles)-9:00 AM at Tutu Bene, Arlington, VA
Saturday Race Planning/IM Cozumel Clinic-11:30 AM at Tutu Bene, Arlington, VA
Sunday Heart Rate Training Clinic-9:00 AM at Endurance Athlete Center, Falls Church, VA
Sunday Group Run ”“ (3, 4, 5,7,9,10,12 miles) – 8:00 AM at Endurance Athlete Center, Falls Church, VA
Sunday Group Ride ”“ (10, 20, 30, 40,50,60,70 miles) -8:00 AM at Marshall Park and Ride, Marshall, VA
Monday AM Boot Camp-6:00 AM at City Sports Silver Spring
3. Directions to Team Z MDC Group Workouts
Team Z Yahoo group – Files-Workout locations-Directions to Team ZMD/DC Group Workouts
Link is below: http://sports.groups.yahoo.com/group/TeamZ/files/ALL%20Training%20Documents%20and%20Schedules/Workout%20Locations%20/