Team Z Announcements, AlwayZ Important
Please scan the table of contents, if nothing is of interest to you…please vote on the first poll listed below before you delete. *Please vote on these new/re-run polls: Shamrock Pre Race Pasta Dinner, DC RNR Pre Race Pasta Dinner, Are you racing Shamrock or DC RNR, Are you entered in IML for 2017, are…
Ironman 70.3 NC has opened
We had more than 70 people vote that IM 70.3 NC would be their end of the season A race for 2017. The race is on Oct 21 (Saturday) 2017. Assuming everything stays the This is a flat course. Even the swim (haha). It is flat. The bike course is…
Wondering if you should race Ironman 70.3 NC?
As a team we had more than 70 people vote that IM 70.3 NC would be their end of the season A race for 2017. The race is on Oct 21 (Saturday) 2017. Assuming everything stays the This is a flat course. Even the swim (haha). It is flat. The bike…
Important Announcements regarding Team Z Winter Training, plus more!
Hi folks. Yesterday I posted the “Weekend Workout Locations” file for Dec ”“ March. Anything that is orange means I have not confirmed permit, speaker, or location. This is a plan, it will likely change but not a ton. You can plan on the orange events, though I will keep you in…
Winter Clinics, Socials, Ride Schedules – and more.
Hi folks. Yesterday I posted the “Weekend Workout Locations” file for Dec ”“ March. Anything that is orange means I have not confirmed permit, speaker, or location. This is a plan, it will likely change but not a ton. You can plan on the orange events, though I will keep you in…
Choosing your Team Z Winter 2016/17 Training Plan
Take a look below ”“ start noodling your plan. Note that these selections are up on our website now. You can change your categories as applicable –, Dashboard, Calendar Options. You may also print out the hard copies ”“ Note- I caught these errors and made the change on the…
Team Z General Announcements – Race Lodging, How to read workouts, and much more
A number of questions answered, PLEASE take the time to read the table of contents, then act accordingly on what is of importance to you. This email will be stored in our blog under Coach’s Communication, Team Z General Announcements, and Annual Planning Resources. If you want gear from our store for Westfields or…
Choosing your Team Z training plan for 2016
Choosing your training plan for the first half of 2016 *Just b/c you train easier than you are capable of, it does not make it wrong. Just because you train easier than you are capable of, it does not mean you can’t race your ass off and crush previous personal records* After this email…
2015/2016 Race Calendar Discussion
I wrote it folks ”“ I know there is a ton here. And, as our team and race calendar continue to grow your choices in what races you enter increase as well. Its just not so clear anymore ”“ so I don’t blame you if you need help finalizing your race calendar. …