The Weekend of January 17 – 18, 2015
There are some changes to the weekend plan ”“ please read the entire email below carefully! Because of the clinics, we decided to consolidate and make it easier for everyone to get to the workouts as well as attend the clinics. Again ”“ please use the email below for the weekend schedule, NOT the calendar…
Ice, Ice Baby… Important Changes to January 10 Group Ride
Okay folks, here’s the deal. Today is beautiful outside. In fact, it’s about 15 degrees warmer today than at this time yesterday. However, with tonight’s temps forecast to be around 10 degrees and a high of 25 degrees for Saturday, the odds of refreezing/black ice potentially becomes a major safety issue. Snow is fine. Ice…
The Weekend of January 10 – 11, 2015
How is everyone doing on those New Year’s Resolutions?? What a silly question ”“ triathletes don’t need resolutions ”“ we exemplify resolutions. 🙂 VOTE ON OUR WEEKEND POLL HERE In this e-mail: Saturday Group Ride ”“ 9:30 AM ”“ Wakefield Park, Annandale, VA Saturday Ultra Running Info Session ”“ Time TBD ”“ Location TBD…
This Weekend In Team Z – January 3 – 4, 2015
Well, this is it. Another year gone past. Is it me or do they keep going by faster and faster? Is this what old age is about!?!? Here’s a factoid for ya ”“ remember that classic 80’s flick Back To The Future Part II? Well, the future in that movie was 2015. Yup, that’s right,…
This Weekend in Team Z – December 27-28, 2014
Merry Merry! Happy Happy! Hope you’ve been nice vs. naughty this year! BIG ANNOUNCEMENT ”“ don’t forget to wish COACH ED A HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON SUNDAY (even though he won’t be there)!!! If you do see him, make sure to give him a spankin’ for every one of those XX (??!!) years”¦”¦”¦ VOTE…
Weekend of 12/20 in Team Z
As soon as Kim sent the email out the hammer dropped and the world blew up. Please see NEW AND CORRECTED WEEKEND EMAIL BELOW. THERE ARE MAJOR CHANGES. Note Workout Leaders/Clinic Leaders/New Zs ”“ I bcc’d your personal emails so you see these changes in case you are having trouble with the…
Weekend of 7/25-7/27 in Team Z
VOTE ON OUR POLL PLEASE: Welcome new Z’s starting this weekend! This e-mail may not make much sense to you now ”“ but it definitely will after your kickoff! So hang tight on attending anything until after your kickoff, then get in the game. We are psyched to have you! Everyone – We’ve made…
The all hands weekend 7/19-7/20
Posting this after the fact 🙁 so it is documented. What a weekend!!!! THE ALL HANDS WEEKEND… NOTE THAT WE CHANGED THE RUN LOCATION TO A PAVILION AT NEEDWOOD PARK. Miscommunication. Ed, Alexis, and I had a “who’s on first” conversation yesterday that was a result of my typo 6 months ago. We are…
The weekend of 7/4-7/6/14 in Team Z
Vote on our poll to help us plan the weekend. Link to polls: In this e-mail: Saturday group run ”“ hash alert – 8:00 AM ”“ Hayes Park, Arlington, VA Sunday group ride ”“ 10:00 AM ”“ Tyler Elementary, Gainesville, VA Sunday open water swim ”“ 12:00 to 3:00 PM ”“ Milbrook Quary, Haymarket,…